Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge Explained Clearly
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An Introduction to Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge 2024

Introduction: Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge

Step into the world of Madhya Pradesh general knowledge, where a wealth of information is just waiting to be discovered. Starting from its beginning all the way to recent developments, this detailed guide servers as your entrance to fully grasping everything about Madhya Pradesh. As you go on this fascinating trip through one of India’s most varied states, delve into its historical roots, explore its geography, and celebrate its rich cultural heritage.

Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge

Here is list of some important Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge details.

Formation1st November 1956
Other Name of StateTiger State, Soya State
Total District55 Districts
State AnimalBarasingha
State BirdShah Bulbul
State FlowerWhite Lily
State DanceRai
State TreeBanyan
State Malkhamb
Madhya Pradesh general knowledge

Overview of Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh sits right in the heart of India and is a treasure trove of history and culture. This state isn’t just known for its variety in landscape but also for how important it has been through time. With cities like Bhopal and Indore making it famous, MP doesn’t stop there. Its big rivers, such as the Narmada and Betwa, are vital not only for watering crops but also play a big part in local traditions. Then you have got places like Sanchi Stupa, Khajuraho and Khajrana Temples that draw people from all over because of their historical value. Famous national parks like Kanha and Bandhavgarh make Madhya Pradesh a well-known tourist destination.

History and Formation

Madhya Pradesh, a place with deep historical and cultural roots, came into existence on November 1. 1956. Before that time, it has varied history. Here is an overview of its history and formation that will help you in Madhya Pradesh general knowledge.

Madhya Pradesh Day is a state holiday which is celebrated in 1 November on the occasion of formation of Madhya Pradesh.


Ancient Period
  • Prehistoric Era: Bhimbetka rock shelters (Paleolithic age).
  • Ancient Kingdoms: Part of Avanti (one of the 16 Mahajanapadas).
  • Maurya and Gupta Empires: Flourished, especially under Emperor Ashoka.
Medieval Period
  • Rajput and Sultanate Rule: Dominated by Rajput states like Gwalior and Malwa.
  • Maratha Influence: 18th century, key Maratha states included Scindias of Gwalior and Holkars of Indore.
British Colonial Period
  • British Control: Post Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1818).
  • Central Provinces and Berar: Significant administrative unit under British rule.

Formation of Morden Madhya Pradesh

  • Independence: India gained independence in 1947.
  • 1956 Reorganization: Formed by merging Central Provinces and Berar, Madhya Bharat, Vindhya Pradesh, and Bhopal; capital shifted from Nagpur to Bhopal.
  • Chhattisgarh Creation: In 2000, Chhattisgarh was carved out from Madhya Pradesh.

Read in details about history of MP here.

Geographical Significance

Madhya Pradesh, the “Heart of India,” is geographically significant due to:

  1. Central Location: Key transportation hub connecting all parts of India.
  2. Diverse Topography: Features plateaus, plains, and forests, supporting varied agriculture and rich biodiversity.
  3. Water Resources: Major rivers like Narmada and Tapti are crucial for irrigation and hydroelectric power.
  4. Mineral Wealth: Rich in coal, manganese, bauxite, limestone, and diamonds.
  5. Cultural Sites: Home to UNESCO World Heritage Sites like Khajuraho and Sanchi, attracting tourists.
  6. Agriculture: Major producer of wheat, soybeans, pulses, and oilseeds.

Famous Cities

Bhopal, often called the city of Lakes, is a place where you can see beautiful sights and learn about history at the same time. In Indore, known as the Food Capital, there’s a deep-rooted food tradition that will make your mouth water. With Bhopal’s famous Upper and Lower Lakes adding to its beauty and Indore’s lively street food scene tempting everyone who visits, these cities are perfect for anyone looking to experience both historical depth and contemporary life.

NameFamous ForImage
BhopalThe City of Lakes, Historical Monuments
Bhopal Lake
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IndoreThe Food Capital, Khajrana Ganesh Temple, Cleanest City
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UjjainKnown for the Mahakaleshwar Temple and as a major pilgrimage site for the Kumbh Mela.
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GwaliorRenowned for the Gwalior Fort, historical palaces, and classical music heritage.
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KhajurahoWorld-famous for its stunning temples with intricate erotic sculptures.
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Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge about Rivers

Madhya Pradesh is lucky to have important rivers such as the Narmada, which is often seen as the backbone of the state, and the betwa, which carries a lot of history and culture value. The Narmada river helps a lot with farming and has a big impact on Madhya Pradesh’s economy. These waterways do more than just support nature; they also carry great cultural and historical weight, playing a key role in defining what Madhya Pradesh is all about.

Manjor rivers:

River NameFamous For
NarmadaLifeline of Madhya Pradesh, It helps with farming, supports animals and people living there. This river isn’t just about water; it means a lot culturally and religiously too, as many special ceremonies happen by its side.
BetwaThe Betwa River is more than just water flowing through the land. It’s a witness to history and culture that goes way back. Over centuries, this river has seen it all – from ancient traditions to battles that shaped its shores. It’s been crucial in supporting life and growth here, making sure people had what they needed to thrive.

Major Waterfalls of Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh is a land of beautiful waterfalls. There are over 15 beautiful waterfalls in this state. Bahuti waterfall, located in the Sidhi district, is the highest waterfall in Madhya Pradesh. Its height is 198 meters (650 ft).

Here is a list of waterfalls, which will help you to boost Madhya Pradesh general knowledge.

Waterfall nameLocationRiver
KapildharaAmarkantak, Anuppur Narmada
Dugdha dharaAmarkantak, Anuppur Narmada
DhuandharBhedaghat, JabalpurNarmada
Dardi WaterfallKhandwaNarmada
BhalkundSagarBina river
Chuliya WaterfallMandsaurChambal
Keoti WaterfallRewaMahana
BahutiRewaSellar river
PandavaPannaKen river
Silver fallPachmarhi
Duchess fallPachmarhi
Bea fallPachmarhi

Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge About Historical Sites

Madhya Pradesh is a treasure trove of historical sites, here are some of the most important ones:

  • Khajuraho Group of Temples: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is famous for its exquisitely sculpted temples, some depicting erotic scenes. These temples were built by the Chandela dynasty between the 9th and 12th centuries and are dedicated to Hindu and Jain deities.
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  • Sanchi Stupa: This Buddhist monument dating back to the 3rd century BCE is one of the oldest stone structures in India. The stupa, a hemispherical dome, was built by Emperor Ashoka to house the relics of the Buddha. The stupa is adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from the Buddha’s life.
sanchi stupa
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  • Gwalior Fort: This hilltop fort has been in use for over 3,000 years and has been under the control of various empires, including the Mughals. The fort complex includes palaces, temples, and monuments, reflecting the rich history of the region.
Gwalior fort
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  • Bhimbetka Rock Shelters: These caves, estimated to be over 30,000 years old, contain some of the earliest paintings of human life in India. The paintings depict animals, hunting scenes, and rituals, offering a glimpse into the lives of prehistoric people.
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  • Mandu: This ancient city, once the capital of the Malwa Sultanate, is known for its beautiful palaces, mosques, and tombs. The Jahaz Mahal (Ship Palace) and the Hoshang Shah’s Tomb are some of the must-see monuments in Mandu.
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Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge about National Parks

Madhya Pradesh general knowledge about national parks is a important topic to learn. These parks are top picks for anyone who loves nature and wants a deep dive into wildlife watching.

List of National Parks of Madhya Pradesh

1.Kanha National Park:

  • Located in the Mandla and Balaghat districts, Kanha National Park is the largest national park in Madhya Pradesh. It covers an area of 940 sq km.
  • Known for its conservation success stories, it played a crucial role in bringing back the Central Indian Barasingha from the brink of extinction.

2.Bandhavgarh National Park:

  • Located in the Umaria district, Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is famous for its high density of Royal Bengal Tigers.

3.Pench National Park

  • Globally recognized as the inspiration for Rudyard kipling’s “Jungle Book”, Pench national park covers area of 758 sq km.

Here is list of all the national parks of Madhya Pradesh:

PannaPanna and Chhatarpur1975
Van ViharBhopal1983
Madhya Pradesh General Knowledge about National Parks.

For more details about national parks click here to visit mp tourist site.

Cultural Festival and Traditions

In Madhya Pradesh, the Diwali celebration at Gwalior Fort, Holi celebration at Indore and Pachmari Utsav stand out for their deep cultural roots, truly reflecting the are’s lively traditions.

Diwali in Gwalior Fort: During Diwali, Gwalior fort turns into a breathtaking scene filled with lights and excitement that draws in both locals and visitors. This celebration is perfect mix of old customs and current festivities, highlighting the deep cultural roots of Madhya Pradesh.

Pachmari Utsav: The Pachmari Utsav is a lively cultural fest held in Madhya Pradesh, highlighting the area’s deep-rooted traditions. Every year, this festival draws both locals and visitors with its bright displays, folk music and dance shows. Its acts as a showcase for local artists and craftspeople to display their work, enriching Madhya Pradesh’s cultural scene.


Madhya Pradesh is a place full of wonders, with its mix of old and new. When you dive into the general knowledge about this state, you get to see how rich in culture and history it really is. With everything from ancient sites that tell stories of the past to lively festivals showing off its current vibes, there’s always something interesting going on here. I hope you enjoyed this article about Madhya Pradesh general knowledge. Book mark us for more exciting general knowledge articles. Happy reading!


What is the State Animal of Madhya Pradesh?

Answers: The Barasingha or swamp deer is recognized as the state animal.

Can you Name a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Madhya Pradesh?

Answer: The Khajuraho Temples and Sanchi Stupa stand out as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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