Harry Potter Quiz Questions With Answers
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Best 100 Harry Potter Quiz Questions and Answers for Muggles

A Harry Potter quiz is a fun way to test your wizarding knowledge. Quizzes have emerged as a delightful way for fans to relive their favorite moments of a series, movie, or book. The stories of Harry, Ron, and Hermione have gained international popularity since the first Harry Potter book was published in 1997. In this article, we have come up with 100 Harry Potter quiz questions and their answers. You can play quizzes or use these quiz questions to make Harry Potter quizzes and play with your muggle friends. Let us wave the magical wand to begin our wizarding adventure.

Harry Potter is a series of 7 books, and the author of these books is J.K. Rowling. The Harry Potter film was later released, and it quickly gained international popularity. Its themes of friendship, bravery, and the battle between good and evil resonate with readers of all ages. The vast community of fans continues to grow, with many engaging in discussions, fan fiction, and, of course, quizzes that celebrate their love for the Wizarding World.

Harry Potter Quiz Questions and Answers

These Harry Potter quiz questions are divided into 3 parts: easy, medium, and hard. It features questions from movies and books and a mix of multiple-choice, true/false, and open-ended questions. Let us begin.

1. Easy Questions

1. What house is Harry Potter sorted into?
a) Slytherin
b) Hufflepuff
c) Gryffindor
d) Ravenclaw

2. Where does Harry live?
a) In the cupboard under the stairs
b) The biggest bedroom in the house
c) With Ms. Figg
d) In a closet

3. What is the name of Harry’s owl?
a) Nightwing
b) Hedwig
c) Ron
d) Hagrid

4. What is Hermione’s cat’s name?
a) Shanks
b) Crookshanks
c) Trevor
d) Scabbers

5. Which insect is Ron afraid of?
a) Beetle 🐞
b) Lizard 🦎
c) Spider 🕷️
d) Ant 🐜

Haary Potter quiz for kids
Haary Potter quiz for kids

6. What is Harry’s middle name?
a) James
b) Sirius
c) Rubeus
d) Lily

7. What is Harry Potter’s birthdate?
a) 29 July
b) 30 July
c) 31 July
d) 31 June

8. What is the animal symbol of Ravenclaw?
a) Eagal
b) Raven
c) Parrot
d) Tiger

9. What do wizards call non-magical people?
a) Glugs
b) Muggles
c) Snitches
d) Helpless

10. What do Hermione’s parents do for living?
a) Doctors
b) Lawyers
c) Teachers
d) Dentists

2. Medium Quiz Questions

1. In the first book, how old is Harry when he discovers that he is a wizard?

2. What is the name of Ron’s pet rat?

3. What is the emblem of Gryffindor House?

4. In which shop can wizards and witches buy their wands in Diagon Alley?

5. The word “muggle” is now in the Oxford English Dictionary. True or false?

6. What kind of animal is Trevor?

7. Which pets are not officially allowed at Hogwarts?

8. Who is Rita Skeeter?

9. Hermione Granger’s Patronus Charm is in the shape of which animal?

10. Who are the muggle aunt and uncle with whom Harry lives every summer?

11. What is the Dursley’s address? (number and street name only)

12. Where is the order of the Phoenix’s headquarters?

13. Professor Mcgonagall is an animagus; what can she turn into?

14. What did Dumbledore give Ron in his will?

15. What was Dumbledore’s brother’s name?

3. Hard Harry Potter Quiz Questions

1. What is the name of the magical mirror that shows people the deepest desire of their hearts?

2. What is the name of the creature that feeds off positive human emotion?

3. What is the name of the magical plant that allows a wizard or witch to breathe underwater?

4. Who was the prisoner of Azakban?

5. Where did Peter Pettigrew kill Cedric Diggory?

6. How many staircases are there at Hogwarts?

7. Which language other than English can both Harry and Voldemort speak?

8. Which book did Harry get the name of his owl from?

9. The Grey Lady is the Ravenclaw House ghost. What is her real name?

10. Which animal represents the schoolhouse, Hufflepuff?

11. What is the name of the book store where students buy their books?

12. Name the founders of Hogwarts.

13. What kind of animagus is Rita Skeeter?

14. What is the nick name of Peter Pettigrew?

15. Who was Harry’s first crush?

Harry Potter Quiz Questions on Spells, Quotes and T/F

Here are more Harry Potter Quiz questions, but this time around, they will be on 3 different topics. Spells, True&Flase, and Quotes. Let us discover your true level of knowledge about this magical realm.

Round 1: Spells

1. In which ancient language are most of the spells written?

2. What spells repel Boggarts?

3. What spell opens the doors?

4. What is the purpose of the legilimens spell?

5. What spell does Professor McGonagall use to bring the statues to life?

6. What is the first spell students of Hogwarts are taught?

Wingardium Leviosa spell
Wingardium Leviosa spell

7. What spell does Hermione use to attack Ron with birds?

8. What does the spell reducto do?

9. What spell can be used to erase someone’s memory?

10. What spell does Harry use to disarm?

Round 2: Quotes

  1. “It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love.”

2. “Family… Whatever yeh say, blood’s important.”

3. “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

4. “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things—friendship and bravery.”

5. “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.”

6. “You shall not harm Harry Potter!”

Dobby meme
Dobby meme

7. “Hearing voices no one else can hear isn’t a good sign, even in the wizarding world.”

8. “When in doubt, go to the library.”

9. “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”

10. “Funny way to get to a wizards’ school, the train. Magic carpets all got punctures, have they?”

Round 3: True & False

1. Hermione went to Yule Ball with Cedric Diggory.

2. The gaunt ring is a horcrux.

3. One of Dumbledore’s many middle names is Brian.

4. Harry Potter killed Nagini in the Deathly Hallows.

5. Hermione’s middle name is Jean?

6. Fluffy can be put to sleep using a harp.

7. Ginny Weasley came up with the name Dumbledore’s Army.

8. Xenophalius Lovegood sent the Death Eaters to his home and betrayed Harry, Ron, and Hermione?

9. Abeforth Dumbledore’s favorite fairy tale is “Grumble the Grubby Goat.”

10. Monkshood, wolfsbane, and aconite are the same plant?

Miscellaneous Harry Potter Quiz Questions

Ready for another Harry Potter quiz? Let’s explore the wonderful world of Harry Potter with these fun quiz questions about spells, wizards, and amazing adventures!

  1. What does NEWTs stand for?
    Answer: Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test
  2. What is the most frequently used word in the Harry Potter Books?
    Answer: Harry
  3. What is the name of Hagrid’s big dog?
    Answer: Fang
  4. How many siblings does Albus Dumbledore have?
    Answer: Two
  5. In the game of Quidditch, how many possible fouls are there?
    Answer: 700
  6. What is the name of Ginny weasley’s pet pygmy puff?
    Answer: Arnold
  7. What are the name of Professor Snape’s parents?
    Answer: Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince
  8. Since when have Ollivanders been making wands?
    Answer: 382 BC
  9. Which character shares a birthday with J.K. Rowling?
    Answer: Harry Potter
  10. How many years did the Weasleys have Scabbers as a pet?
    Answer: 12 years

Download Harry Potter Quiz Questions In PDF

We are sending more magical questions at you. Download our PDF book for over 100 Harry Potter quiz questions. These PDF contain Harry Potter quiz house, Harry Potter Quiz for Kids, etc.


We hope you enjoyed these 100 Harry Potter quiz questions and that it sparked some nostalgia for your favorite moments in the series. Whether you aced these quiz questions or learned something new, we encourage you to share your experience with your friends and family and challenge them to see who knows the Wizarding World best!


  1. Who wrote the Harry Potter books?

    J.K. Rowling wrote all seven Harry Potter books.

  2. How many Harry Potter movies are there?

    There are eight Harry Potter movies, with the last book split into two parts.

  3. What platform do students take the train to Hogwarts from?

    Platform 9¾ at King’s Cross Station.

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